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Hero to Obey: Twenty-two Naughty Military Romance Stories Page 9
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Page 9
Melissa was silent for a moment. "Do you see that changing anytime soon?"
The Special Operations Command had really come into its own during and right after Desert Storm, when it became obvious that the events in the Middle East weren't going to be handled solely through the use of large, conventional forces. Special Operations teams, including SEALs, had been sent in to hunt down and take out SCUD missile launchers, antiaircraft batteries, and command and control centers. They'd rescued downed pilots from the coalition forces, helped resistance fighters take on the much larger Iraqi military, and had taken part in huge recon efforts along the borders with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey.
None of those missions had ended when victory had been declared. Most people familiar with the situation over there realized the entire region was a powder keg just waiting to blow. There was a good chance that the US—and its Special Forces teams—would be over there for a long time to come.
So he shook his head. "No, I don't see anything changing for a while. Getting sent downrange or going through training of one type or another is going to be my life for a while."
Melissa twirled pasta on her fork, a thoughtful look on her face. "I never asked you the other night. What does your family think of you being a SEAL? They can't be thrilled you do such a dangerous job."
"They're not. My mom especially," he admitted. "But they knew what I was getting into when I signed up, and they knew I was planning to do it for the long haul. They worry, but it helps that my parents have met my Teammates. They know how much we care about each other, and that we'll always have each other's backs."
Melissa lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. "Do you tell your parents about the kind of work you do?"
"As much as I can, which isn't much. I can tell them I'm going somewhere, but I can't usually tell them where, or what I'll be doing. Most of what SEALs do is classified, so all my family knows is that I'm over in some bad part of the world, doing dangerous stuff. They don't like it, but they deal."
She sighed. "That would be hard for me. Not knowing where you are and what you were doing."
Kurt couldn't help smiling a little as he realized she wasn't only picturing them together, but thinking of worrying about him and staying up late for him to come home. He'd never thought about it before, but he liked the idea of having a woman to come home to.
"I thought my mom had it bad with my dad being gone on some ship or other all the time," Melissa said after they'd cleaned up and moved into the living room to sit on the couch a little while later. "At least she knew where my father was. A SEAL's wife doesn't have a clue where her man even is."
Her man. Something else he liked hearing.
"I agree it's a tough life, and not something every woman can handle," Kurt said.
"But a SEAL's wife isn't exactly on her own. Each Team has a well-established family support group of spouses and family members who take care of each other. Heck, some of the wives know more about what's happening in the world than their husbands do. Most of them know where we're going before we do. SEAL Teams couldn't function without women like that back home holding everything together."
Melissa kicked off her sandals and tucked her legs up underneath her, giving him a flash of her thighs before the silky material of her dress floated down to cover them. "Are they happy? The married couples on the Team, I mean."
Ah. Now he finally understood what this dinner was really all about. At some level, Melissa felt this almost magical thing between them as much as he did. She wanted to keep seeing him, but she was scared she couldn't handle the burden of being married to a man who could be called away on a mission at a moment's notice without her having a clue where he might be going or when he'd come back.
"Yeah," he said. "But I also know some couples that didn't make it. The stresses they faced were too big for them and it tore them apart."
She winced, looking down at her hands where they were clasped in her lap. "That's what I thought you'd say."
Kurt leaned in close and gently lifted her chin with his finger so he could look her in the eyes. "Something tells me you woke up this morning thinking about a lot more than whether you'd regret letting me walk away after just a single date. Am I right?"
She nodded. "I know it's insane. I mean we've gone out on a grand total of one date, and it ended with us getting jumped by carjackers and talking to the police for hours. But there's something inside me saying that I shouldn't let you walk away, even though I'm terrified of what it would mean to be with you. My head is telling me to run as fast as I can, but my heart is saying I should stay or I'll end up missing out on something amazing."
Her honesty took his breath away. To be truthful, he was as afraid as she was. He didn't understand how he could feel something so strongly for a woman he'd just met. It wasn't supposed to be like this… not for guys, anyway. Was it?
Kurt took a breath and plunged into the deep end of the pool.
"If it helps, I don't want you to walk away. I think we could have something really special between us," he said softly. "But in the end, it comes down to whether you're willing to take a chance to reach for something on the highest branch, knowing that if you miss, it's a long way down and that its going to hurt like hell when you hit the ground."
She covered his hand with hers and closed her eyes, holding his palm more tightly to her cheek. After a moment, she opened them again and took his hand away from her face.
Kurt's heart plummeted. She'd decided that walking away was the best choice.
He swallowed hard and opened his mouth to tell her that it was okay, that he understood, but then she wrapped her hand around the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. There was no hesitation, no indecision. They were two people coming together, both of them with their defenses down and hearts exposed.
Her mouth tasted so good that all he could do was groan. He threaded his fingers in her long hair and kissed her back just as hard as she was kissing him. He had no idea where this was going, but they were both going to find out.
Chapter Six
Melissa had woken up that morning in a panic, her heart beating fast and her head telling her that something was terribly wrong. She'd flopped back in bed, breathing hard and plain worn out from a night spent tossing and turning. No surprise there, considering the bizarre dreams she'd had. All of them had been about her and Kurt. Well, she'd been in all of them. Kurt, on the other hand, had been noticeably absent in one.
There'd been the one of her and the handsome Navy SEAL laughing as they ran around a beautiful backyard chasing after their giggling children. Then there was one where she'd seen him in a restaurant with another woman. It had pissed her off so badly she'd thrown herself at his new girlfriend, ready to tear her to pieces. The last dream had been the most terrifying, though. In it, she'd been sitting in her apartment waiting for Kurt to come back from a mission when several men in Navy uniforms had come to her door bearing bad news instead.
That was the one that had jolted her awake and left her hyperventilating.
She had no idea why, but she knew she needed to see Kurt again. She couldn't let things end the way they had. Hell, after the restless night she'd had, she wasn't sure she could let things between them end at all. That was why she'd called and invited him to dinner. The moment he'd walked in the door, she'd known she made the right decision.
During dinner, she'd found herself asking him questions about his job before she even realized what she was doing. It was like her usual instincts had taken a backseat. She'd wanted to have hard and fast details in order to make a decision.
She hadn't even been sure what kind of decision she was considering until she asked him what it would be like to be married to a SEAL. That was when she knew where all this was going. Despite her promise to stay away from Navy guys and their crazy careers, she'd been looking for reasons to get into a serious relationship with Kurt. It was completely insane, but as she sat on the couch looking into those beautifu
l eyes of his, it felt right.
She wasn't even sure how they'd ended up kissing. One second they were gazing at each other, the next she had her hands in his short hair, and her lips were on his. And she couldn't think of a single reason they should stop.
Melissa moaned as Kurt's strong hands tangled in her hair, tugging her head to the side as he ravished her mouth, then traced hot kisses all along her neck and jawline to leave her breathless. It felt so good she didn't want to interrupt him for even a second, but sitting side by side like this wasn't enough for her. She pulled away just long enough to lift her dress and throw one leg over him, then sat down on his lap, letting her panty-covered butt press against his jean-clad hard-on.
Spreading her legs a little wider so she could full appreciated that fact, she kissed him again. Kurt got a firm grip on her hips, pulling her down against his erection. She rotated her hips in appreciation, loving the way the move put pressure on her clit through the thin material of her panties. She absently wondered if she could come from doing that.
Kurt didn't give her the chance to find out, but instead slipped his hands under her ass, then got to his feet. She barely had a chance to wonder what he was doing before he headed toward the bedroom. Melissa sighed against his mouth and wrapped her legs around him. A girl could get used to being swept off her feet like this. It was seriously romantic.
When they reached her bedroom, Melissa quickly reached out and flipped the light switch. She didn't want to miss anything in the dark.
When they reached the bed, Kurt let her slide down his body to the floor, then gazed down at her with eyes blazing with hunger.
"You sure we're not moving too fast here?" he asked softly.
She smiled. "Not for me. How about you?"
He flashed her a grin in answer, then pulled her dress up over her head in one smooth motion, leaving her standing before him in her bra and panties. The move caught her a little by surprise, but she certainly didn't mind. What woman wouldn't appreciate a guy as hot as Kurt stripping her naked?
The fire in his eyes now was hot enough to make her warm all over.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" he asked, his voice thick with emotion. When she shook her head, he made a sound of disgust. "Then you've been hanging out with men who are stupid."
Her mouth curved. "Or just not as forward as you."
"I'm not forward," he corrected. "I'm just willing to admit it when I see something I like. And I definitely like what I'm seeing right now."
Okay, that make her feel good. "Should I take off my bra and panties so you can see if you like the rest just as much?"
She started to reach behind for the clasp on her bra, but Kurt caught her hands and gently pulled them back around in front of her. "I'd rather do that myself, if you don't mind?"
Melissa's pulse skipped a beat. She'd always liked a man who took charge in the bedroom. "I don't mind at all."
Her breath caught as he stepped closer, his fully dressed body only inches from her nearly naked one. Slowly reaching around her, he caught the clasp of her bra, popping it open easily, then sliding it off her shoulders one teasing inch at a time. She hadn't realized exactly how excited she was until the tops of the bra cups caught on her hard nipples, making her breasts bounce as he pulled the satiny material down and away.
She expected Kurt to immediately look down at her bare breasts, but instead he kept his eyes locked with hers as he put his hands on her shoulders then spun her around until she was facing away from him. She could almost feel the heat of his gaze travel down to her panty-covered ass.
Behind her, Kurt didn't move, didn't say a word. Instead, he forced her to guess what he might be thinking… and doing. The urge to slide her panties down—to hurry this moment up—was second only to the need to slip her hands in there and touch herself.
But then she felt Kurt's hands on her shoulders again, urging her to bend over a little. Not sure what he had in mind, but more than willing to find out, she leaned forward and placed her hands on the edge of the bed. The position was beyond naughty, pushing her ass out and putting her into a blatantly sexual position.
Her breath hitched as Kurt's hands slipped into the waistband of her panties and slowly slide them over her hips. From the way the material clung to her pussy as they came off, she was clearly soaking wet. She was so turned on that the urge to clamp her thighs together and wiggle herself to orgasm was hard to resist. She doubted it would take more than a few moments of stimulation to put her over the edge. She dug her nails into the blanket, forcing herself to resist.
When Kurt reached her ankles, she obediently lifted one foot then the other so she could step out of her panties. As she stood there bent over, he traced one hand carefully up her inner thigh, along the bottom of one cheek, and then around to the point of her hip bone. The contact of those strong, sure fingers made her shiver.
She straightened up, ready to turn around and get Kurt naked too, but before she could, he wrapped one arm around her middle, tugging her back against him and holding her close. Pressing his fully clothed body against her naked one, he pulled her long hair aside so he could kiss her neck while he lowered the arm that had been holding her captive until his big hand was cupping her pussy. Then he began massaging her clit.
Melissa inhaled sharply. The idea of him standing behind her with all his clothes on while he made her come was arousing as hell.
Still pleasuring her with one hand, he cupped her breast with the other, taking her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, gently tweaking it. The shocks it sent through her body was almost enough to make her jump in his arms.
She forced herself to relax and lean back against him, spreading her legs and letting him have his way with her. He took quick advantage of that, sliding two fingers deep inside her wetness and making her gasp.
Melissa grabbed his jean-clad thigh to steady herself. She'd never done anything like this, but obviously she'd been missing out. This position was perfect for it, too. Of course, there weren't many men in the world she'd ever let put her in a position like this. But Kurt was an exception.
She closed her eyes as he pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy while the palm of his hand ground against her clit. She was already feeling weak-kneed and tingly. The way his jean-covered cock was pushing against her ass didn't hurt either, nor did the way he squeezed her breasts.
By the time he slipped his fingers out of her pussy and started swirling them in circles over her clit, it didn't take much to push her over the edge.
If Kurt hadn't been holding on to her right then, she would have collapsed to the floor as she climaxed. She moaned and might have even screamed a few times as she rotated her hips in time with his fingers. She wasn't sure, since she was so focused on coming.
When he'd dragged every last trace of orgasm out of her body, he cupped her pussy with his hand and pressed a kiss to the sensitive spot behind her ear.
"I'm just guessing, but something tells me you enjoyed that a little bit," he said huskily.
Melissa smiled. "More than a little bit." She turned her head enough to be able to kiss him. "That was incredible."
He twitched his fingers against her clit, making her jump. "Is that your way of saying you want me to do it again?"
She was tempted, but she knew she was probably too tender to go again just yet. So instead, she reached behind her and squeezed his cock through his jeans. "Maybe later."
That earned her a groan of approval as Kurt spun her around and kissed her again. She reached down and undid his belt buckle, then the buttons of his jeans before working them over his hips along with his underwear.
Then she reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. He felt so perfect that she had to pull away and take a quick peek to see if she was right.
She was.
His hard shaft was as long and thick as it felt, and she had no doubt he was going to feel amazing inside her.
She went up on tiptoe to kiss him. "T
here are condoms in the top of the nightstand."
Without waiting for a reply, she sat on the bed and scooted to the center. Then she leaned back on her elbows and enjoyed the show as he stripped off the rest of his clothes. The rest of him was as beautifully built as she'd imagined. In addition to broad shoulders, muscular arms, shoulders, and thighs, he had six-pack abs that were enough to make any grown woman cry with joy.
By the time Kurt found a condom and put it on, she was practically trembling in anticipation. She spread her legs even wider, beckoning him in. He climbed on the bed and carefully settled himself between her thighs, teasing her pussy with the head of his cock when she would have preferred him to plunge right in. She wrapped her legs around him and tried to pull him deeper, but he only grinned and resisted.
If she weren't so busy biting her lip, she would have screamed.
Thankfully, he finally took pity on her, lining up his thick cock with her opening and sliding in slowly. She let out one, long continuous moan, not stopping until he was as far in as he could go.
Melissa wrapped her legs around him more tightly, tugging him in so deep she thought she might see stars. Then she pulled his head down and kissed him hard, wanting to let him know how good he felt with the force of her passion.
Kurt started slowly, but then quickly picked up the pace until he was thrusting so hard and fast that the bed thumped against the wall like a sledgehammer.
Melissa buried her face in his neck and whimpered out her pleasure. She came twice before she felt Kurt tense and climax too, which only made her third orgasm that much harder.
Afterward, she kept her arms and legs wrapped around him, refusing to let him move, loving the feel of his weight pressing her down into the bed. She'd had never felt so sexually satiated—or so emotionally satisfied—as she was at that moment.
Then she felt Kurt start moving inside her again and realized the night was just getting started.
* * *
Melissa had never had sex so many times in one night, but five hours later, she was lying in Kurt's big strong arms, her breathing ragged from yet another round that was lightyears beyond amazing. She'd never made love with such wild abandon before. It was exhilarating… addicting… and maybe just a little insane.