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Babysitting the Baumgartners Page 12

  I groaned, pushing myself to my own climax as I moved my tongue faster and faster against her pussy, not knowing where I started and she began. I came so hard I couldn’t even see straight and my ears were ringing and all I could do was lick and swallow her as she came too, her soft cries filling the room.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered as I sat up between her thighs, wiping my face with the back of my hand. It didn’t do much good, I was literally just soaked with her all the way down to my nipples. I grinned, still breathless and she smiled back at me, looking dazed. There was a huge wet spot on the bed, too, that I wondered how were going to hide.

  Then we heard Henry screaming, “Monster! There’s a monster!”

  Gretchen pulled her t-shirt down, grabbing her panties. “I’ll get him. You...clean up.”

  I turned off the movie, put everything back, and put my own panties back on. Then I washed up. By the time I was done, Henry was back to sleep and Gretchen was downstairs under the covers.

  “Are you asleep?” I whispered, climbing in with her.

  We were sharing the sofa bed tonight. She didn’t answer me, and I could hear her breathing was deep and even. Either she was sleeping or pretending to be. I closed my eyes, feeling a slow heat burning in my chest as I remembered what we’d done. I snuggled up to her back, drifting off, still tasting her in my mouth.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Janie crept in between Gretchen and I on the sofa bed at what felt like it had to be five in the morning. It was full light, though, so I knew it couldn’t be. She snuggled up to me and I kissed her cheek, pulling her close and trying to fall back asleep, but I couldn’t. I kept remembering the night before.

  Gretchen was still sleeping, her blonde hair like gold strands falling around her face and shoulders, her lips a perfect little rosebud. She had such soft, delicate features, like a doll. I was both envious and attracted at the same time, a paradox that made me squirmy.

  Janie noticed I wasn’t sleeping and she turned in my arms. “I’m hungry.”

  “What time is it?” I whispered back.

  “Eight, I think.” She snuggled closer.

  She was getting big to be doing this—almost ten—caught right between that place of being a little girl and not quite a teenager, the lost land of “tween.” I looked at her and remembered how little she had been when I first started babysitting for them. She was growing up, and starting to look more and more like her beautiful mother every day. I found myself envious of her, too, and almost wished I could go back there to those pre-teen days myself, when things didn’t seem and feel so complicated.

  “Want pancakes?” I smiled and tucked a honey-colored curl behind her ear.

  “Special?” She perked up, her voice getting high and louder, making Gretchen sigh and shift in her sleep. I noticed the covers pull over the swell of her behind and it made my belly tighten.

  “Yep.” I yawned. “Go tell Henry, and see if Noah and Sarah want any.”

  Janie scrambled off the sofa bed to go wake Henry and the Holmes kids and I got up and tugged a pair of shorts on that I’d left on the floor next to me. Gretchen rolled over fully onto her belly, the covers shifting and showing her panties—the pink ones—and the tops of her creamy white thighs. I wanted to kiss her there and resisted the impulse.

  I had three pancakes done before they all finally tumbled down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. Janie was explaining what “Ronnie’s Special Pancakes” were to Noah and Sarah as they sat down at the table.

  “They’re HUGE pancakes, all rolled up with applesauce inside and whipped cream on top,” she said, making her hands into a circle the size of a dinner plate for emphasis.

  “And cinnamon sugar.” Henry dipped his finger into the whipped cream on the way by. “Don’t forget that. It’s my favorite part.”

  “Ronnie’s Special Pancakes.” I was just finishing the last one. I gave them each a plate with one pancake each, plus a fork and a glass of milk.

  “Mmmm, looks good you guys.” Gretchen stretched sleepily from the doorway. I saw her standing there, still in her t-shirt and panties. She raised her eyebrows at me with a grin. “They’re going to be high on sugar all day.”

  I shrugged, my eyes moving down her long, bare legs. “It’s a treat.”

  “It sure is.” Doc came in behind Gretchen, looking at her in t-shirt and panties, though, and not at the pancakes I’d made. “Did you sleep well, Gretchen?”

  “Ronnie hogs the covers.” She laughed. “But besides that, fine. I could use some coffee.”

  “Me, too.” He glanced briefly at me. “Can you put coffee on, Ronnie?”

  “I’ll help.” Gretchen came to stand next to me, rubbing her hip against mine as she turned on the coffee maker, putting in a filter for me to dole out scoops into. It didn’t take both of us to make coffee, and Doc was watching, his eyes sharp, noticing the way she slipped her hand over the small of my back.

  Gretchen went back to the table, smiling at Doc as she stole some of the whipped cream from the top of Sarah’s pancake. “So, Doc, you were telling me before... you have a motorcycle back home?”

  Doc’s eyes were on her mouth as she sucked whipped cream off her finger and so were mine. “Harley Electra Glide.”

  “Really?” Her eyes widened for a moment and then softened as she rubbed her lips with her wet finger. “I would so love to go for a ride with you. Wouldn’t you like to take a ride with Doc, Ronnie?”

  I swallowed, seeing her eyes moving over me, and I glanced at Doc, who was smiling, looking a little amused.

  He leaned back in his chair, his eyes dipping down to her lap where her t-shirt was pulled up, exposing her bare thighs and pink panties. My eyes went there, too. “Gimme a call when we get back. I can definitely take you both for a ride.”

  She smiled over at me. “Motorcycles are so sexy...don’t you think so, Ronnie?”

  “Yummy.” I grabbed coffee mugs out of the cupboard. I poured coffee for the three of us, putting full cups in front of each of them. The kids were wolfing down their pancakes, none of them even speaking.

  “Do you have cream and sugar?” Gretchen looked up at me. “Can’t have it without cream and sugar.”

  Her eyes met mine and the look in them stopped me.

  “I love cream and sugar.” My voice was smooth and low when I replied.

  Doc cocked his head at me. “I thought you drank your coffee black?”

  I shrugged, standing. “Sometimes a girl likes cream and sugar, what can I say?”

  “Done!” Henry exclaimed, as if it had been a contest, his face full of applesauce and whipped cream. “Who wants to play Tomb Raider?”

  “Me!” Noah said through a mouthful of pancake. He wasn’t even half done. I put the cream and sugar on the table in front of Gretchen and her smile warmed me to my toes.

  “Thanks.” Her eyes were even warmer than her smile. Doc looked between us, his face bemused. Janie and Sarah followed the boys and the luring call of video games into the living room. I sat next to Gretchen with my own cup of coffee, feeling her hand sliding over my thigh under the table.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” Doc stretched, still wearing that bemused smile. “I’ll leave you two girls alone.”


  Mrs. Holmes came to collect Gretchen and the kids just before dinner and we spent every moment together until then. I told Mrs. B I wasn’t hungry and went to my room after they left. I couldn’t get Gretchen out of my head.

  Janie came in to say good night and we snuggled and talked for a minute before she went to bed.

  “I love Gretchen,” she sighed. “I hope I grow up to look like her.”

  I smiled, but I knew what she meant. Gretchen couldn’t help but leave an impression. “You’ll be beautiful, Janie, and you’ll look like you.”

  “I wish my mom and dad would get an au pair.” She pulled her arm around me tighter and snuggled close. “They keep talking about it.”

  “Really?” I kne
w how much the Holmes’ were paying Gretchen, because she told me. I didn’t know if the Baumgartners could afford her, in spite of Doc’s salary and Mrs. B’s side business. Me, though, I was free—at least on this trip. “Well, maybe some day.”

  “Janie!” Mrs. B called. “Bed!”

  “Goodnight.” Janie kissed my cheek.

  “’Night, sweetie.”

  She shut my door and I curled up to read for a while, but I couldn’t really concentrate. I kept remembering last night, being with Gretchen, how warm and soft and open she was, how we rode that sexual tension all through the day until I was stretched so taut I felt like I was going to burst.

  “Ronnie?” It was Doc, knocking at my door.

  “Come in.”

  He came and sat on the edge of my bed. “You want to talk about it?”

  Rolling to my back, I looked up at him. “About what?”

  He grinned. “Oh, I don’t know... Super-Nanny and her magical pink underwear?”

  I laughed. “I assume you mean Gretchen?”

  “What happened last night? Something, obviously...”

  I flushed. “Why do you say that?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Because your feet haven’t touched the ground all day.”

  I couldn’t help smiling. “Ok... so... something happened.”

  “Something good?”

  “Yes... very good...” I squirmed, remembering. Glancing up at him, I frowned. “You’re not mad?”

  “No, of course not.” He smiled. “We just want you to be happy, Ronnie.”

  He chucked me under the chin, but his hand stayed there, slipping lower down my neck, drawing patterns over my chest at the top edge of my tank-tee. “Do we still make you happy?”

  I beamed up at him. “Oh, yes!”

  He chuckled. “Well, then, would you like to come to bed?”

  I hesitated as his fingers played with my spaghetti straps, looking at him in his boxer-briefs. “Your bed?”

  “Carrie’s already in it.” His finger followed the line of the strap down over the material, running directly into my nipple. It was soft, but started to harden the minute he touched it. “And she’s waiting for us.”

  I went with him. I couldn’t help myself. The thought of listening to them on the other side of the wall, the headboard, the squeak of the bed, her moans, and not being a part of it, was too much. I had to go.

  Mrs. B flipped channels on the TV when I came in, wearing just a t-shirt. She smiled, holding out her hand to me and I snuggled against her softness. It felt so good to be held.

  “I hate summer.” She sighed. “Nothing but re-runs and Reality TV. Have you seen this Nanny 911 show?” I shook my head as she paused there, screaming kids running around the screen, hitting their parents, throwing things.

  “They could take a lesson from you, that’s for sure.” She kissed the top of my head. Doc smiled as he climbed into bed on her other side. I knew she was just petting me—but it felt good. I liked being petted. She turned the TV off with a sigh, tossing the remote on the bed. “So much for that. We’ve got better things to do, hm?”

  I nodded against her breast, already feeling warm. She tilted my face up to hers, kissing me. She tasted salty and I wondered what they had for dinner. I didn’t have any more time to think, though, because she kissed me down to the bed, her hand moving up under my shirt, rubbing and squeezing my breast.

  She rolled onto me, her thighs soft and smooth against mine, and I took the gentle weight of her, my hands moving under her shirt in back, up over the rounded globes of her ass. We kissed like that for a long time, our lips meshing, our tongues entwined, until I could feel that sweet tingling all through my body, even in my toes and fingertips.

  Then she sat up, straddling me, pulling her t-shirt over her head. I watched her revealing her body, my eyes lost in her sloping curves, her golden skin. I reached for her breasts, my hands seeming so small as I tried to cup them, hold them. She leaned forward, over me, and I pressed my face against them, her nipples hardening under my mouth.

  I drowned myself in Mrs. B’s flesh, running my tongue from side to side, first one nipple, then the other. She held herself above me, the heat of her pussy pressed against my tummy, watching me with half-closed eyes. I saw Doc stretched out beside us, his cock hard in his fist. I remembered estimating for Gretchen with my hands how big he was, but I think I didn’t quite give him enough length. It seemed bigger now to me as he pumped it through his fist.

  Mrs. B moved, sliding her hips up, grabbing the headboard. She came up and put a knee on either side of my head, wiggling a little as she positioned herself. I looked at her for a moment, her skin so smooth, showing a little pink inside as she spread her thighs. It was wetter in there, I could see it, and I could smell her, that sweet musk that made my pussy twinge and pulse.

  I opened her up with my tongue, starting at the top of her cleft, moving it from side to side, teasing her clit for a moment before searching lower, trying to find the source of her honey. I groaned when I reached it, that little hole that was already seeping fluid onto my tongue. Probing there, making my tongue hard, I grabbed her hips, pushing it in as far as it would go.

  “Oh!” Mrs. B gasped as I fucked her with my tongue, swallowing as much of her as I could, my nose pressed hard against her clit. I was squeezing my thighs together, feeling my own pussy aching, as I slid my tongue back up, making it a little cup and taking her juices with me, spreading them all over her clit, making it even more slick.

  “Oh yes,” she murmured as I poked and prodded and pushed the hood back and touched the source of her pleasure directly. I slid my hand down between my legs, shoving it down under the elastic band, seeking my own heat. I was swollen and slippery wet already and I moaned into her pussy as I started to rub my clit.

  I felt Doc’s hands, then, pulling at my shorts, my panties, peeling them off. His tongue was between my legs, licking and sucking as he slipped his fingers up inside me. I moaned into her pussy as she rocked on me, working her pink flesh against the soft wetness of my tongue. I couldn’t swallow all of her, and I could feel her juices pooling at the hollow of my throat.

  Doc pushed my legs back with his palms, his face buried between my thighs, licking me until I couldn’t concentrate on anything, including Mrs. B. She rocked and rocked, holding onto the headboard, her moans low and long as she ground herself against me.

  “Beautiful.” Doc murmured, his tongue on me again, flicking faster, sending waves of pleasure through me. His fingers were petting the entrance to my pussy, not sliding inside, just circling around and around the hole, making me squirm and moan.

  Mrs. B’s movements increased, her hips rolling faster, her moans louder, and I could see the slope of her belly, the curve of her breasts as they pressed against the headboard, her head going back as she used my tongue, her long hair brushing my breasts, making me shiver.

  “Oh baby,” she whispered. “Oh yes, sweetie, I’m gonna commmmme!”

  The last word turned into a long, sustained “mmmmm” and I moaned, licking her faster, feeling the pulse jump between my legs as Doc used his mouth on me, his fingers sliding through my slit. Mrs. B was shuddering and quaking with her climax, gripping the headboard and rocking, making it pound against the wall as she came.

  Doc’s tongue made fast circles over my clit, and I felt that familiar tug in my belly, something coiled there, waiting. Mrs. B moved off me, coming to snuggle next to me, but Doc didn’t stop, and I looked down to see him, his eyes on mine, his mouth working.

  I groaned when Mrs. B began to suck at my nipple, sending an immediate rush of heat to my pussy. Gasping, I grabbed for something to hold onto, finding Mrs. B’s thigh, digging my fingers into her flesh.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged, her fingers rubbing and pulling at my other nipple. “Ohhhhh God, pleeeease!”

  I was so close, teetering right at the edge, and I felt Doc’s fingers slip even lower, gently stroking the entrance to my ass. I gasped, m
y fingers tightening on Mrs. B’s thigh as he slid one finger into that tight, puckered hole, his tongue still moving like lightning over my clit.

  “Oh, no!” I begged, shaking my head, but it felt so good, the skin there incredibly sensitive as he moved just the tip of his finger there, in and out. “Oh God, I can’t stand it!”

  And I couldn’t, it was too much—I came harder than I thought I could, violent spasms that shook my whole body, a white heat spreading through me in huge, throbbing waves. I put my arm over my eyes, panting, almost ashamed at my response. Mrs. B was kissing my shoulder and arm, and I felt Doc moving up to lie on the other side of me.

  “Did you like that?” she whispered into my ear. “Didn’t it feel good to have his finger in your ass?”

  I moaned, peeking out at her, and whispered, “Yes.”

  “It’s ok,” she murmured. “I let him fuck my ass all the time.”

  I stared at her, remembering what Gretchen had said. I love a cock in my ass.

  “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  She smiled. “Not if you do it right.”

  I looked over at Doc and then away. “It just... seems so... wrong... dirty...”

  “That’s part of what makes it fun,” Doc whispered into my ear, making me shiver.

  Mrs. B was tracing circles on my belly. “It’s not, really. As long as you’re clean.”

  I remembered in the bathtub, her pushing her finger into my ass.

  “Does it...” I looked at her, frowning. “Does it feel good?”

  She nodded. “Mmmm-hmm....God yes.” Glancing over at Doc and some sort of communication seemed to pass between them. “Want to see?”

  I felt my ass clench and I shook my head. “No!”

  She chuckled, leaning in and kissing my cheek. “Not you... me.”

  “Oh.” I glanced down, seeing that Doc was still at half-mast and standing up even straighter as Mrs. B knelt up, moving over me, kissing me.

  “What—?” I started, but her mouth stopped me, her thighs pressing mine open under hers. Doc was moving behind her, I could see him above us.

  “He has to lube everything up,” she whispered against my cheek, resting her head on my shoulder. I could see that he had something in his hand, a tube, and he was squirting clear liquid into his hand.