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Babysitting the Baumgartners Page 11

  I swallowed hard when she winked over at me. “How about you?”

  “No.” I watched her cross her ankles. Her toes were painted pink. “No boyfriend here either...”

  “Sounds like we both need to get laid!”

  I didn’t reply, but God, something curled in my belly when she talked like that and I sat and watched the tops of her glistening breasts rising and falling with her breath.

  I wanted to tell her about the Baumgartners, but I just couldn’t bring myself to. She kept asking me lots of questions about my sex life—it seemed like that’s what she wanted to talk about, mostly.

  I couldn’t answer any of her questions honestly. The last man I slept with? Doc. Had I ever been with a woman? Mrs. B! Had I ever used a vibrator? Yes. Mrs. B’s! It just seemed safer to not say anything at all.

  Still, together, we had a good day, and pretty much did everything we could think of to wear the kids out, between swimming, taking them for a long walk to go get ice cream, and then playing flashlight tag on the beach before bed. I still figured they’d be up giggling and talking like I used to do on sleepovers, but Janie could barely brush her teeth because she was yawning so much and the Holmes kids were zonked out already in my bed.

  Then Henry started having a fit because the little bulb in his nightlight had burnt out and all I could find were empty packages in the drawers—we were all out.

  “I’ll leave the hall light on and the door cracked open,” I offered in an attempt to get him to stop wailing.

  “It won’t work!” came the muffled cry from his pillow. “The monsters will come!”

  I shrugged my shoulders at Gretchen, who cocked her head and pursed her lips and then headed down the stairs. I attempted to calm Henry.

  “You know there aren’t any monsters.” I squatted next to his bed.

  “Yes there are!” He turned his tear-streaked face to me.

  “Of course there are.” Gretchen stood in the doorway. I looked up to see her carrying a spray bottle from under the kitchen sink that I recognized as the one that Mrs. B used to mist the plants. “That’s why you need Monster Spray.” Both Henry and I stared at her, open-mouthed.

  “Monster Spray?” Henry sounded doubtful as he sat up and looked at her from his bed.

  Gretchen brought it over and set it on the night table. “That’s right. I always carry some in my purse, just in case. I filled this spray bottle with it.”

  I couldn’t tell if he was buying it or not, but at least he was quiet. “Does it really work?”

  “Of course!” Gretchen knelt by his bed, picking up the bottle. “If you see or hear a monster, all you have to do it spray it and it will run right away!”

  She hit the trigger and misted the air, showing him.

  “Cool!” His eyes lit up and he reached for the spray bottle. Then he frowned. “It’s not just water?”

  “Smell it.” She stood and folded her arms across her chest.

  He sniffed the nozzle. “Ew!”

  “Told you.” Gretchen smiled, tucking a long piece of blonde hair behind her ears. “Monster Spray. 100% guaranteed.”

  He grinned at her. “Cool! Good night.”

  With that, he put the spray bottle on the night table, laid down and closed his eyes. I stared at her, incredulous. That’s when I knew I really liked her.

  As we headed down the stairs, I asked, “What was in it?”

  “Vinegar and water.”

  I laughed, shaking my head in amazement. Gretchen was spending the night with us, too, since Mr. and Mrs. Holmes said they’d probably be out at least until 2 a.m. We had the sofa bed pulled out in the living room and she and I curled up on it with a bowl of microwave popcorn between us and put in the first non-kid movie I’d watched in weeks, Tristan and Isolde. When it was over and our popcorn bowl was empty, Gretchen grabbed the remote and turned off the TV with a sigh.

  “Well that sucked.” She lay back on her pillow with a groan. “But that Tristan... God, what a hottie!”

  I made a face. “I would have stayed with Lord Marke if I were her.”

  She smiled over at me, raising her eyebrows. “Someone likes older guys, huh?” I didn’t say anything, I just grabbed a half-popped kernel from the bottom of the bowl and crunched it between my teeth.

  “Doc is a hottie.” She narrowed her eyes at me like a cat. In this light, they almost glowed like a cat’s eyes. “Don’t you think?” I couldn’t help smiling and nodding.

  “I’d let him get into my panties.” She rolled toward the bowl and fished for half-popped kernels, too. “I bet he’s got a nice big cock.”

  “Gretchen!” I looked around like someone could hear us.

  Her words made my ass clench and my heart beat a little faster. After talking about sex all day, now lying in bed with her in nothing but our t-shirts and panties, I couldn’t help but be a little turned-on.

  She grinned, her long, blonde hair swaying like a curtain. “I’m just saying.”

  “He does.” I lowered my voice, meeting her wide-eyes. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to tell her something!

  She squealed, sitting up and grabbing my wrists. “Oh my God! You have to tell me!”

  Now that I’d said that much, I wasn’t sure I wanted to say any more. I put the popcorn bowl on the end table and took a drink of my Coke, stalling. When I turned back to her, she was obviously waiting and I knew I had to say something.

  “I saw them having sex,” I admitted, feeling my blush now.

  “And?” She put her hands behind her head, the white t-shirt she was wearing pulling up to reveal a pair of pink panties.

  “You’re right.” I shrugged. I could picture his cock, could almost see and smell and taste it. It made me ache just imagining it. “He’s... pretty big.”

  She sighed, frowning. “That’s no fun! Give me details. I haven’t been laid since I took this job. Believe me, I’m dying for details!”

  I stretched out, leaning on my elbow and propping my head in my hand, remembering that first night I had seen Doc and Mrs. B. having sex.

  “I got up to go to the bathroom.” I closed my eyes, picturing them before going on. “And I heard them... Mrs. B was... moaning...”

  Gretchen’s eyes brightened. “Uh-huh.”

  I shifted on the bed, getting tingly just remembering it. “And I noticed their door was open a little. I could see them in the mirror.”

  She shifted, too, her thighs clenching. “And?”

  “Mrs. B was on her knees... she had him in her mouth,” I said. “But when she stopped for a minute, I could see his...cock. It was pretty big.”

  She made a soft sound in her throat. “Show me. With your hands.”

  I did and she groaned again.

  “God, I miss it.” She sighed, her hands resting on her belly now. “So what else did you see?”

  I decided not to mention the part where they were talking about me. “He turned her around and bent her over, so she was on her hands and knees.”

  Gretchen sighed, her eyes closing. “Mmmm.”

  “And Mrs. B was saying things like...” I hesitated, swallowing as I watched Gretchen’s hand moving up toward her breast. She was just nudging it a little, moving it under her t-shirt, shifting on the bed.

  “Go on,” she urged, her eyes still closed.

  “Like... I want you to fuck me... put it in my... cunt...”

  Gretchen moaned when I said that, a real moan. “Oh, Ronnie, I’m so horny I can’t stand it.”

  I nodded, but I knew she couldn’t see me. Telling her, remembering, watching how flushed she was getting and how her nipples were starting to stand up under her t-shirt was making me wet, too.

  “Then he started fucking her,” I went on, my voice getting lower, a little more husky. “From behind like that. Grabbing her hips and just slamming into her.”

  She let out a long breath, her hand moving between her legs, cupping herself through her panties, squeezing her legs together. Again, I wondered
if she was shaved.

  “And she was moaning and fucking him back.” My voice was almost a whisper now. “Saying, ‘Oh, Doc, fuck me hard, baby. Make me cum!” I did Mrs. B’s voice as best I could, making Gretchen shiver, her hand moving slowly over her panties, now.

  “But the best part,” I whispered, slipping my hand down between my own legs. The crotch of my panties was damp under my t-shirt. “Was after she came all over that big, hard cock...”

  Gretchen’s breath was coming faster, her fingers brushing over her panties, her other hand cupping her breast. I could see her finger moving, barely noticeable, over her nipple.

  “He pulled out of her pussy.” I closed my eyes and remembered how slick his cock was with her juices as I rubbed myself. “And put it into her mouth, and made her swallow all his hot cum.”

  Gretchen gasped and I opened my eyes to see her looking at me, her gaze shifting between my legs where I was cupping my mound.

  “Don’t stop!” She groaned. “God, I love the taste of cum. I’d love to taste him.”

  I felt my belly flutter when she said that, remembering how Doc tasted shooting his cum into my mouth, swallowing and swallowing it.

  “Did you play with yourself?” she asked me, her eyes back on mine.

  I nodded, my fingers rubbing the growing wet spot on my panties. “I couldn’t help it.”

  “I don’t blame you.” Her eyes were closed again, but she hadn’t stopped rubbing between her legs. “I don’t know how you can be around him and not want to fuck him.”

  I wanted to tell her, but I didn’t know how.

  Then she said, “And Mrs. B isn’t bad, either.”

  I felt my pussy twinge. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Did they know you were there?”

  I shook my head, lying. “No.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at me. “Too bad. You might have had some more fun than just rubbing off, huh?” I shrugged, biting my lip, my eyes dipping back down to her pink panties. She was moving her fingers in little circles in one spot.

  “God, I want a cock in me,” she murmured, and as I watched, she slipped her hand under the top band of her panties. “Don’t you ever fantasize about Doc fucking you?”

  I tried to control how fast my breath was coming now, but I couldn’t help rubbing myself.

  “Yes,” I admitted. Then I had an idea. “You know... Mrs. B has a vibrator upstairs. And Doc has a porn video.”

  Gretchen opened her eyes, smiling. “Now we’re talking! Where?”

  “Their room.” I watched her fingers moving under her panties. It was making me dizzy with lust, and I kept remembering the taste of Mrs. B in my throat.

  “Let’s go!” She hopped off the bed and headed for the stairs.

  I followed her, not quite believing we were doing this, but so turned on by now that I didn’t care. It felt naughty, and somehow that made it even more exciting.

  When I showed her the vibrator, she grinned and took it from me, turning it on full blast. “Oh, God... If the Holmes weren’t Mr. and Mrs. Baptist and I wasn’t too afraid I’d get fired, I’d have one of these in every color.”

  I found the porn video that Doc had been watching inside of the DVD player in their room.

  “The Babysitter Learns a Lesson?“ Gretchen read the title on the box and looked up at me with a smile. “Gee, you think Doc fantasizes about you, too?”

  I just shrugged, turning on the TV and hitting play. We settled on the Baumgartner’s bed just like we had downstairs, only this time there was a big black vibrator between us instead of a bowl of popcorn and the people on the screen were most definitely not Tristan and Isolde.

  It was the same couple, the older guy, the young girl in pigtails with her lollipop. Gretchen was watching it, but I was just listening and watching her face, her reactions. It got to the part where the girl was rubbing her pussy with the lollipop, and Gretchen pulled her panties down her thighs. I wanted to get a closer look but was afraid to.

  I heard her fingers moving in and out, rubbing through her wetness. I took my panties off, too, tossing them with hers, a little pile of pink and white. On the screen, the older man was about to put his cock into the girl’s ass. That was the part, I remembered, that had shocked me so much I gasped out loud, and then Doc had seen me touching myself on the stairs. My pussy ached at the memory and I looked over at Gretchen, her eyes glued to the screen.

  “Mmmm…” She watched him press his cock against her ass. “God, I miss that.”

  I stared at her, my fingers stopping their little circles against my clit. “Have you—?”

  She glanced over at me, noticing for the first time, I think, that my panties were off and I was playing, too.

  “Oh yeah.” She gave me a wicked little grin. “I love having a cock in my ass.”

  The thought seemed so foreign to me, so... naughty and wrong. But the girl on the screen seemed to like it a lot. She was moaning and saying, “Fuck my ass with that big cock!”

  “Can I go first?” Gretchen picked up the vibrator.

  I nodded, watching her turn it on, just the sound of it sending shivers through me. She slid it down between her legs, rubbing the head through her slit, moaning. Her other hand went under her shirt, and I could see her playing with her nipple. I longed to pull up her shirt and see it.

  “Oh yeah,” she whispered as she slipped the vibrator inside of her.

  I sat up on my elbow a little, looking down between her legs. There was a small landing strip of light blonde hair leading down to her pussy, but her lips were shaved smooth and were glistening wet. I fingered myself as I watched her, the thick length of the cock disappearing and then reappearing, slick with her juices.

  She was still watching the screen and I glanced over at it again. Now it was the girl and the older guy and his wife. The wife was licking the girl’s pussy on the bed, and the older man was behind his wife, fucking her that way. Gretchen turned the vibrator up a notch, moaning and fucking herself faster.

  My pussy was throbbing, my clit humming under my fingers. I pulled up my shirt, playing with my nipples, too, turning the hum to a deep, delicious buzz. I moaned, rocking on the bed, and Gretchen looked over at me, her eyes half-closed.

  “Feel good?” Her gaze was between my legs. I spread myself a little more open, tilting my hips so she could see. Her tongue moved over her lower lip as she watched me, the vibrator speeding up even faster.

  “Want to know what feels better?” I took my fingers out of my pussy and licked them. She raised her eyebrows in surprise but her eyes never left my tongue moving over the tips of my fingers.

  “What?” she whispered. I didn’t answer but instead I slipped between her legs, my mouth moving right over her pussy, sucking on her clit.

  “Oh!” she cried, surprised at first, but I took the vibrator from her hands, moving it, twisting it in and out of her pussy as I licked her. “Ohhhhhhh! Oh yessss!”

  She opened her eyes to look down at me, her long, straight blonde hair framing her face, her eyes dazed with pleasure. I reached up, tugging at her shirt, pushing it up above her breasts. They were a little fuller than mine, her nipples pink and thick and round in the middle of a rosy areola. I rolled one between my finger and thumb, feeling her jump.

  I flicked my tongue over and over her clit, which was fat and swollen with a thick hood. She tasted different from Mrs. B, or even me, slightly more musky and a little tart, but she was soaking wet, so slippery that the vibrator slid easily in and out of her pussy as I fucked her.

  “Oh sweet Jesus!” She moaned, her head going back, her hips moving up, giving in completely. I slid the vibrator out of her pussy and heard her groan, but I replaced it with my fingers, two of them, remembering what Doc had done to me the other night on the counter. I crooked my fingers, feeling her jump and wiggle at my touch.

  The vibrator was still going so I took it in my other hand and pressed the head to the top of her slit, right where those light blonde hairs bega
n to curl, still moving my tongue back and forth over her clit. She really seemed to like that, bucking up and tugging at her own nipples. They were as red as little cherries now with her twisting and pulling on them.

  I wished I had three hands because my pussy was aching to be touched. I imagined what it would be like if Doc walked in and saw us. I wanted his cock inside of me, pumping me full of his hard, hot flesh. Gretchen began thrashing as I rubbed deep inside her pussy, feeling something swelling under my fingers. Her flesh was so wet, I could barely keep her in my mouth and her juices ran down my chin and over her ass.

  “Oh wait!” Her hands pushed at me as I pressed even harder inside, stretching the smooth walls of her pussy with my fingers again and again. “Oh, God, wait, what—?”

  And then she was coming, her cries loud and high, almost little squeaks as she trembled all over with pleasure. Gasping, she grabbed my head, pressing it to her mound, mashing my face there.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. “Lick me, oh yeah, more, more!”

  I did, taking the vibrator and sliding it down between my own legs, rubbing it over my clit as I let her use my tongue. Her hips were rocking and grinding into my face and I just opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue for her.

  “Oh my fucking God!” She moaned, her dazed eyes looking down at me between her legs. I saw her gaze flicker to the screen behind me and I could hear the movie still going, the sounds of fucking, moaning, swearing, panting. It was nothing compared to what was happening on the Baumgartner’s bed between me and Gretchen.

  My clit found the edge of the vibrator’s shaft, that big black cock nestled between my legs as I ate her pussy for everything I was worth. The sounds of her pleasure made me dizzy. It was like feeding an addiction—I just wanted more and more. My pussy was so swollen and slick, throbbing for release, and I rocked my hips against the cock between my thighs, working toward it.

  “Make me come!” She panted, her smooth, pale belly undulating as she rocked. “Please, please make me come!”